The Power of Words

Did you know that research suggests that 75-98% of all mental, physical, and behavioral illnesses come from one’s thought life? (Leaf, 2013). …I know I was pretty shocked too. Here’s the real kicker… In 2005, the National Science Foundation found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before (NSF, 2005). So, basically, we are thinking the same dark thoughts over and over, but we don’t even notice. We feel our feelings and most of us notice our feelings but don’t notice our thoughts. 

As this year brings us change, inspiration, and new stories that we tell ourselves remember how much power your thoughts and words have. What we speak to ourselves and others tends to become our reality. This could seem terrifying for the pessimistic peeps out there, but what’s exciting is that we can choose to use the power of our thoughts & words to uplift our vibrations rather than lower it. Even a little shift in your vocabulary can make a huge difference and quickly change your attitude. Challenge yourself to become aware of the things you tell yourself throughout your day. What are your affirmations or mantras? What statements are on repeat? Are they actually serving you? Also, look at what forms them. Much of what we say to ourselves is based on our inner narrative. We each hold an ongoing story of our life based on our perception of our own reality; which is subjective.

As you probably have learned there are many different ways to understand the same event. Try to look at things this month from different angles and be open to new viewpoints of your past and current situations. How will changing your perspective change the story that you tell yourself? Once you find out where your negative self-talk comes from you can begin to rewrite your inner narrative, shift your vibration & perceive a new reality. This is a great way to take the first step to becoming the change that you want to see in the world. 


Leaf, C.M., (2013). Switch On Your Brain : The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI.


Yoga & Mental Health